Rabu, 20 Juni 2012
Pengaruh TOEFL bagi Jurusan Akuntansi
1. Understanding TOEFL
Test of English as a Foreign Language or TOEFL evaluates the ability of an individual to use and understand English in an academic atmosphere. It was developed to address the problem to ensure proficiency in English to non-native speakers who want to study at American universities. It has become an admission requirement for non-native English speakers in many English-speaking colleges and universities. In addition, institutions such as government agencies, licensing agencies, businesses, or scholarship programs may require this test. TOEFL scores are valid for two years and then will no longer be officially reported since the candidate's language skills could have changed significantly since the date of the test. Colleges and universities usually consider only the last value TOEFL. Policies governing the TOEFL program are formulated with the advice of the 16-member board. Board members are affiliated with undergraduate and graduate school, 2-year institutions and public agencies or private sector with an interest in international education. Other members are specialists in the field of English as a foreign or second language. TOEFL Committee of Examiners consists of 12 specialists in linguistics, language testing, teaching or research. Kinds of English tests TOEFL is generally required for college entrance requirements in almost all universities in the United States and Canada both for undergraduate programs (S-1) and graduate (S-2 or S-3). The results of the TOEFL test is also used as a material consideration of English language proficiency of prospective students applying to universities in other countries, including universities in Europe and Australia. In general, the TOEFL test is more oriented to American English, and a little different from the types of IELTS tests are oriented to British English. Unlike IELTS, TOEFL test is in general not have the individual interview test.
This test usually takes about three hours and is organized in four parts, namely:
* Listening comprehension,
* Grammatical structure and written expression,
* Reading comprehension, and the
* Writing.
This test is 3 hours long and all the tests can be taken on the same day. Students can take the test as many times as they want. However, colleges and universities usually consider only the latest score.
a. Listening (30-40 minutes)
Listening section consists of three parts. The first one contains 30 questions about short conversations. The second part has 8 questions about longer conversations. The last part asks 12 questions about lectures or talks.
b. Structure and Written Expression (25 minutes)
Structure and Written Expression section has 15 exercises complete sentences correctly and 25 exercises misidentification.
c. Reading Comprehension (55 minutes)
Reading Comprehension section has 50 questions about the reading.
d. Writing (30 minutes)
Writing section is one of the essay with 250-300 words in average.
2. TOEFL Test Objectives
TOEFL has two general objectives are: Academic and General ie as described below:
a. Academic test is used for educational purposes, research or academic-related activities abroad, or in Indonesia. To graduate, usually a minimum value is 550. whereas for S1 is 500.
b. General is generally used for the purpose of employment, promotion or job assignment. Many companies that install standard English TOEFL employees to see the value of - his. Generally, a minimum TOEFL score is 500 for standard promotions.
So of the things described above shows that the TOEFL test is very important to us both for the accounting department and to the public because it will be used to apply for jobs and other activities related to English.
Senin, 18 Juni 2012
Attachments strategi menjawab soal TOEFL ( Listening )
TOEFL Strategies for Listening Section
TOEFL listening section, tests the ability of a student, especially a non-native English speaker, to understand spoken English (accentuated) in educational setting. Listening is an important skill to understand the concepts and ideas. Only when the concepts are understood completely it becomes a lighter task to score in the listening section of TOEFL test. In order to develop the listening skills for TOEFL, there are certain set of listening strategies or steps. They are explained in detail given below.
Requirements for TOEFL Listening Strategy
Listening strategies for TOEFL aims at providing each and every minute detail that are required to respond to all the questions within the given time in this section. Responding to the questions in time is very important because, it will help TOEFL candidates to save time, which they might spend on, one specific part of the test section.
There are certain steps in strategies that would help in managing time in each part of listening test section (recordings). There are some basic requirements for listening skills which serves the steps in TOEFL listening strategies as detailed below:
• Basic Comprehension
When students listen to a recorded lecture or a conversation, they should understand the central or main idea in it. Then they should skim the recording for key points, important facts, purpose and the relevant details that connects the key points.
• Practical Understanding
It may also be called as “pragmatic understanding” where the meaning of a word should be taken, according to the context. Students are needed to find the intended meaning of the speaker i.e. from his point of view. A wide range of vocabulary is necessary for this process because, the recordings in listening test are usually from academic background. Practical understanding also becomes a must to find the purpose of a lecture or a conversation.
• Relate Ideas given in multiple information sources
Relating ideas is the final state where the key points and the important facts are compared to find the relationship between them. This method would initially lead to construct an argument. Then a string of supportive and non supportive elements are categorized and as a result the causes for the events are traced. This is where a student would end up identifying the conclusion which is expressed indirectly.
• Inference
Inference is to find the implied conclusion in recordings from the author’s point of view. The conclusion might be implied or expressed indirectly anywhere in the passage.
These are the basic requirements necessary, in each part of the strategy of listening section, which consists of two recorded lectures and one long conversation. These fundamentals are to be followed, in the following few preparatory steps.
Strategies in Preparation
• Spoken English From Various Sources And Accents
There are variations between the accents of English. It is the best to listen to English from various sources like television, music, radio etc. And also it is good to listen to the native speakers of English with different pronunciation and dialect. By doing this students would be able to improve their listening skills and also they will get used to different kinds of accents. It will be helpful very much if they listen to academic passages or conversations.
• Making Notes
While listening to a recording, notes should be jot down. These notes would help you to remember the important points given by speaker. The reason is also that, during the test you will be given only one chance to listen to a passage. Note making will help you to remember the details and the clues effectively.
• Main Idea
The main idea of a passage should be identified in a recording, as a first task while taking notes. Main idea of a lecture is usually given in the introductory part. The other details would be given in the rest of a lecture. Once the main idea is found it becomes a lighter task to find the purpose of the speaker.
• Pointer Words, Important Facts And Relationship Between The Facts
The pointer words may be defined as signal words or clues, given by the speaker. These keywords should be collected along with important facts and events. This should be done in order to compare them and identify the relationship between them. In turn this would give you the cause of the events.
• Summary of Observation
Give a summary of the recording which was listened, using the notes that are taken down. During this process, only important facts, relevant details, main idea and the key facts are covered. This is a good time saving technique, to prevent going through the notes again and again.
• Building your Vocabulary
Above all it is also important to build a student’s vocabulary, to find the meaning of a word, according to the context of the speaker. Students should get familiar with the words which they consider as new ones and practice them in their everyday life.
The steps and the requirements in TOEFL strategies for listening section, which are elaborated above should be followed and practiced to manage time while taking up the test. The most important part in listening section is to concentrate on the subject of the speaker, and a student does not have to be distracted by the accent.
Listening Methods
Only Study the English that TOEFL Uses
Strictly English's tutors only focus on the English you need for the Listening Section of the TOEFL. For example, because almost every TOEFL lecture uses adverbials and adverbial phrases to introduce an opposing point of view, we make sure that you understand that grammatical pattern.
Improve your Knowledge of Academic Content
The TOEFL listening section has you listen to lectures and class discussions from various academic subjects like biology, psychology, art history, geology, literature, etc. This is why our Listening Package gives your close to 300 lectures on various academic topics. These lectures will make you more confident when listening to university lectures.
Strengthen your Listening by Reading. Presenting, and Transcribing
Many people think that the best way to improve your listening is to listen, listen, listen. And, yes: this will help. But listening to English is just one of four ways to improve your listening. In addition, we have our students read academic lecture, give presentations on academic topics, and copy written versions of lectures.
Ear Training
Many students have trouble understanding lectures and conversations because they are unable to hear the words that native speakers of English either verbally contract together or "swallow" when talking. Our ear training exercises help you hear these verbal contractions and these swallowed words so that you will have a better understanding of what you're listening to.
Explain Wrong Answers
It's not only important to know which answer choice is correct. It is also very important to know why a wrong answer choice is wrong. As we train you to explain why an incorrect answer choice is wrong, you will strengthen your critical ability to answer questions more quickly.
Write TOEFL Test Questions
If you can begin thinking like a TOEFL-test writer, then you'll be able to identify the tricks and traps TOEFL puts into their answer choices. So we have you wr ite your own TOEFL questions to various TOEFL lectures.
Align the TOEFL books from easiest to hardest
Because some TOEFL books are more advanced than others, Strictly English has sequenced the TOEFL books on the market from easiest to hardest so that as your study of Listening will become more challenging as you go.
Senin, 11 Juni 2012
Kunci Sukses A sampai Z
A: Accept
Terimalah diri anda sebagaimana adanya.
B: Believe
Percayalah terhadap kemampuan Anda untuk meraih apa yang Anda inginkan dalam hidup.
C: Care
Pedulilah pada kemampuan Anda meraih apa yang Anda inginkan dalam hidup.
D: Direct
Arahkan pikiran pada hal-hal positif yang meningkatkan kepercayaan diri.
E: Earn
Terimalah penghargaan yang diberi orang lain dengan tetap berusaha menjadi yang terbaik.
F: Face
Hadapi masalah dengan benar dan yakin.
G: Go
Berangkatlah dari kebenaran.
H: Homework
Pekerjaan rumah adalah langkah penting untuk pengumpulan informasi.
I: Ignore
Abaikan celaan orang yang menghalangi jalan Anda mencapai tujuan.
J: Jealously
Rasa iri dapat membuat Anda tidak menghargai kelebihan Anda sendiri, jadi hindarilah.
K: Keep
Terus berusaha walaupun beberapa kali gagal.
L: Learn
Belajar dari kesalahan dan berusaha untuk tidak mengulanginya.
M: Mind
Perhatikan urusan sendiri dan tidak menyebar gossip tentang orang lain.
N: Never
Jangan pernah putus asa.
O: Observe
Amatilah segala hal di sekeliling Anda. perhatikan, dengarkan, dan belajar dari orang lain.
P: Patience
Sabar adalah kekuatan tak ternilai yang membuat Anda terus berusaha.
Q: Question
Pertanyaan perlu untuk mencari jawaban yang benar dan menambah ilmu.
R: Respect
Hargai diri sendiri dan juga orang lain.
S: Self Confidence, Self Esteem, Self Respect
Percaya diri, harga diri, citra diri, penghormatan diri membebaskan kita dari saat-saat tegang.
T: Take
Bertanggung jawab pada setiap tindakan Anda.
U: Understand
Pahami bahwa hidup itu selalu ada potensi untuk naik.
V: Value
Nilai diri sendiri dan orang lain, berusahalah melakukan yang terbaik.
W: Work
Bekerja dengan giat, jangan lupa berdoa.
X: X’tra
Usaha lebih keras membawa keberhasilan.
Y: You
Anda dapat membuat suatu yang berbeda.
Z: Zero
Selalu ingat, usaha nol membawa hasil nol pula.
I think this is very useful article to read, this article may be used as a reference for us in this life, especially in the road to success. In this article written for success that we have to have the attitudes necessary for success, such as trust, believe, keep trying, be patient and not despair is part of the contents of this article. We know in the success was not easy and requires time or a long process, but we must try we must also have a strong determination so that we do not give up easily. In connection with it may be to further study the content contained in this article and then we apply or do we do for success that we will get better results than before you read this article.
Selasa, 05 Juni 2012
Cara Memperluas Ruang Mungil
Kesan sempit dan terbatas pada ruangan di hunian mungil dapat disiasati dengan memainkan kesan visual . ada dua trik yang bisa anda lakukan, yakni lewat pemasangan cermin dan memasang gambar, foto atau lukisan panorama alam. Cermin, seperti diketahui, akan menggandakan objek yang ada di depannya. Untuk hunian mungil, kehadirannya bukan semata untuk kegunaan estetika, melainkan dapat menambah kesan imajiner pada ruangan. Dengan cermin, anda dapat memperluas ruangan lewat pemainan jangkauan visual penghuni rumah.secara visual ruang akan tampak lebih luas dari luas normal. Untuk pemasangannya, pilihlah bagian dinding yang memberi dampak visual terbesar terhadap ruang. Peletakannnya bisa di dinding kosong, pintu almari atau partisi. Cermin dapat dipasang dengan orientasi vertical(dari atas kebawah) dengan jarak sisi bawah dan lantai lebih besar dari 60 sentimeter.(sumber koran Sensi ).
Sumber : Koran Jakarta
I think this article is very useful for those of you who have a small house and want to eliminate the narrow sense in your room so it appears to be more widely seen. In this article can also make us more creative to play through the visual range of the mirror. In the event the game is the installation of the mirror should be placed on the walls of your home that most members of the largest visual impact of bias on the wall in an empty room, cupboard or partition. The mirror can diapang with vertical orientation (from top to bottom) with a distance below the floor dann greater than 60 centimeters. So maybe for those of you who do not have a small house soon desperate to make your home seem exciting and wide bias tried this but it should be with the right tricks, hopefully you can make a room seem more spacious.
Tidur Tak Teratur Picu Lapar Benarkah ?
Kesibukan yang tiada henti biasanya akan berdampak pada pola tidur yang tidak teratur. Beban pekerjaan yang menumouk serta gaya hidup yang tidak sehat adalah salah satu factor yang seringkali membuat seseorang mengorbankan hak tubuhnya untuk beristirahat.Padahal saat tidur, seluruh bagian tubuh secara alami melakukan regenerasi sel dari dalam, tubuh akan aktif memproduksi hormone kortisol pada saat tidur. Hormone itulahyang membuat tubuh segar dan bebas dari kelelahan pada saat bangun tidur.
Namun, apabala tidur tidak menjadinprioritas dan porsinya selalu kurang dari tujuh hingga delapan jam per hari, tentu akan berdampak buruk pada kesehatan tubuh kita. Bahkan menurut penelitian terbaru, kurang tidur bias mendatangkan rasa lapar.Lalu apa korelasinya antara kurang tidur dan rasa lapar? Saat tubuh kurang beristirahat, ada dua hormone yang terganggu. Kekurangan energy secara alami akan membuat tubuh bereaksi meminta makan untuk kembali berfungsi dengan baik. Hal itu akan memicu produksi hormon gherlin yang ada di dalam pencernaan kita.”inilah yang memicu rasa lapar dating lebih sering,” jelas juru bicara American Dietetic Association, Karen Ansel.
Ansel menambahkan kurang tidur juga membuat tubuh kesulitan memproduksi hormone leptin yang merupakan hormone yang mengendalikan nafsu makan kita. Hormone itu diproduksi oleh sel-sel lemak, tapi karena tubuh kekurangan energy, sel-sel lemak ikut mengalami deficit dan membuat hormone leptin tidak dapat memberikan sinyal rasa kenyang pada otak. Jadi, meski sudah makan, kita akan tetap merasa kelaparan. Peneliti dari Uppsala University di Swedia juga membuktikan bahwa kurang tidur bias memengaruhi bagian otakyang mengatur rasa kenyang sekaligus nafsu makan. Efeknya adalah cepat lapar, dan dalam jangka panjang dapat memicu kegemukan serta resiko diabetes.
Menurut temuan yang dipublikasikan secara online di Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism pada 18 januari 2012, kebiasaan kurang tidur bias memengaruhi seseorang dan berisiko menjadikannya kelebihan berat badan dalam jangka panjang. “setelah semalam tidak tidur, di area otak yang melibatkan keinginan untuk makan para pria tersebut menunjukan aktivasi tinggi saat melihat foto makanan,”ujar Crishtian Benedict, seorang peneliti,seperti di kutip Healt Day. Peneliti lainnya juga turut memperkuat fakta bahwa kurang tidur berdampak pada rasa lapar. Menurut Karine Spiegel, neuroscientist,30 survei yang dilakukannya di berbagai negara menunjukan kurang tidur menjadi saalah satu penyebab meningkatnya berat badan, baik pada usia anak-anak maupun dewasa. “ada dua hormone penting diproduksi pada malam hari yang mengatur nafsu makan. Salah satunya grehlin, yakni hormon yang membuat lapar,” kata Spiegel.
Sementara itu, leptin adalah protein hormone yang diproduksi jaringan lemak yang berfungsi mengendalikan cadangan lemak.”kita telah membuktikan kurangnya tidur (dua hingga empat jam sehari) mengakibatkan kehilangan 18 persen leptin dan tambahan 28 persen grehlinm,”ujar dia. Perubahan hormonal akan membuat kita lapar, dan hal itu menjadi suatu masalah yang cukup merugikan untuk urusan bobot tubuh ini. Kebanyakan bila kita lapar, orang-orang akan lebih memilih untuk mengemil, dan itu merupakan sebuah masalah besar.
Sumber : Koran Jakarta
I think this article is very useful for us, so our bias is more able to maintain our health, especially by keeping the pattern or timing of our sleep. I once heard someone less sleep for longer periods of time will be thin, but with the article I know that lack of sleep makes skinny assumption is wrong because, according to research just lack of sleep will tend to make our weight increases. This caused problems because the body produces the hormone leptin is a hormone that regulates our appetite. The hormone produced by fat cells, but because the body lacks energy, fat cells come share the defisitdan make hormone leptin can not give sinya satiety to the brain. So, despite having to eat, we would still feel hungry. So with the opinion then if we want our weight is more stable then we not only maintain our diet, but we also have to keep our sleep patterns.
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